11 essential keys to a successful IUI

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) can create ultimate parenthood at the cheapest cost and saves expensive bills on Assisted Reproductive Technologies like IVF, ICSI, FET, etc. IUI is essential for women with endometriosis, fibrosis, donor-cycle IUI, best suited for male infertility factors like low sperm count or overall sperm qualities, and couples with unexplained infertility. There are 11 essential keys to a successful IUI that have been clearly described in this content.

Infertility treatments & services

The Fertility Cure Centre provides well-supported infertility treatments and services to infertile patients, at the most reasonable costs in pan India. They include:

  1. In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
  2. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI).
  3. Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection.
  4. Frozen embryo transfer (FET).
  5. Laser-assisted hatching (LAH)
  6. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
  7. Tubal Evaluation.
  8. Laparoscopy.
  9. Semen Analysis: Semen Analysis test cost.
  10. Egg Freezing: Cost of egg freezing in India.
  11. AMH test- Process and cost in India.
  12. Altruistic Surrogacy- What is Altruistic Surrogacy

11 essential keys to a successful IUI

  1. Consult the fertility specialists: Always consult the experts for all fertility-related treatments and problems. They have the highest experience and know what can be done or what you must follow to receive a successful IUI treatment.
  1. Obey and consider fertility evaluation: Both partners should obey the expert’s recommendation and complete a thorough fertility evaluation as suggested to identify any underlying issues that might affect the IUI’s success. The test could be ovulation monitoring, ovulation induction through ultrasound scans, blood tests, ovulation predictor kits, and semen analysis tests. Forward the reports obtained to your consulting specialists and obey their follow-up.
  1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle will significantly improve the IUI success rate. Always maintain a balanced diet, regular exercise, manage stress, and maintain a healthy weight.
  1. Avoid harmful substances: Avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, or abusive drugs or caffeinated substances. It is widely known that intoxicated substances are not good for health. It has some adverse effects on fertility and reduces pregnancy chances due to slowing down reproductive activities by such chemicals. Avoiding such a lifestyle can ultimately boost the reproductive systems and the quality of the eggs and sperm resulting in successful IUI treatment.
  1. Keep your sperm healthy: Maintaining the male’s sperm health is the most essential key to a successful IUI. How to achieve it? Maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking, avoid excessive alcohol, avoid caffeinated foods, and consider supplements like rich antioxidants and rich vitamins, it will ultimately help improve sperm count, motility, and morphology.
  1. Follow the proper methods of sperm preparation: The sperm sample for the IUI procedure should be properly “washed and concentrated” which separates the healthy sperm from the seminal fluid. This step minimizes the risk of infection and ensures that only the best sperm are used for insemination which will lead to successful IUI.
  1. Follow meditation and yoga: Yoga is good for both physical & mental wellness, it maintains peace of mind, helps pelvic area flexibility and blood circulation, and alleviates the stress and anxiety that may borne with fertility treatments. Tai Chi is another type of “meditation in motion” which is an ancient Chinese practice and is described as perfect for both physical and mental well-being contributing to successful IUI treatment.
  2. Always stay Hydrated: It is highly essential to stay hydrated at all times. Drink atleast 2 liters of water a day, it will keep you hydrated and filter toxins in the body. A daily intake of folic acid multivitamins by following the experts. Avoid taking carbonated drinks and caffeine as they might upset the body balance and increase sugar levels.
  1. Follow the expert prescription, and take the full course of expectorant: There are certain fertility drugs to increase the chances of a successful IUI. Fertility drugs such as Clomid and Letrozole increase the likelihood of conception because more eggs are being released for the sperm to fertilize. However such drugs must be consumed only when prescribed by your treating physician as they know the response in your body.
  1. Have sex after the IUI procedure: According to specialists, it is good to have intercourse after the IUI treatment. Having sex helps as the uterus begins to contract, which results in the push of the sperm towards the fallopian tube and the eggs. Therefore, sharing pleasure through sex won’t hinder the IUI process but improves the chances of getting pregnant.
  1. Take gentle care of yourself: Always try to coop the successful motherhood responsibility. Be content and strictly follow the guidelines and navigation of your specialists and that will ultimately take you to successful IUI treatment. A healthy diet, healthy foods, and a healthy lifestyle increase the rate of fertility. Eat wholesome foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains. For those that have a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) diet and pregnancy, you should always reduce your carbohydrate intake and increase your protein foods.

Key To A Successful IUI

Though the technique of IUI has essentially remained the same since practiced, several advances in the type of medications, stimulation protocols, and strict patient selection criteria, tailored according to the age, and etiology of the patient have become the keys to a successful IUI treatment. Every clinic and doctor follows these keys that reduce the associated complications, such as multiple pregnancies and OHSS while maximizing the overall IUI pregnancy outcome. Other successful keys of sperm selection include:-

  • Precise semen processing time management,
  • Processing total motile sperm count,
  • Rapid progressive motility after processing,
  • Account for the actual sperm morphology,
  • IUI insemination time, and 24h sperm survival protocol.

IUI Success On The First Try

The IUI success on the first try depends upon various factors including both partners being fertile, partners with medical conditions, IUI with additional advanced procedures, and IUI treatment with donor sperm. The IUI success rates also vary depending on the clinics you choose. Women between 21-35 years and males below 45 years have the highest chances of IUI on the first try.

Generally, the IUI success rate relies upon the women’s reproductive organ function (fallopian tube, uterus, uterine cavity), male sperm motility, and morphology. The pie chart below shows the IUI success rate obtained by the Fertility Cure Clinic.

IUI success on the first try

Tips for successful IUI with PCOS

If you’re a woman diagnosed with PCOS and are worried about your IUI treatment. Stop worrying about it because women with PCOS can have higher success rates compared to women with other causes of infertility if one follows the tips for successful IUI with PCOS navigated by your physicians. These successful tips include:

  1. Reverse any insulin resistance.
  2. Maintain de-stress, relaxed, and peaceful mind.
  3. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet when recommended.
  4. Track the menstrual cycle periodically and know its behavior.
  5. Confirm ovulation functions with different tests.
  6. Start taking supplements as prescribed.
  7. Contact the Fertility Cure team, today.

2nd Cycle IUI success tips

At Fertility Cure Centre, each cycle of IUI can exhibit the highest success rate of 45% to 75%, for women under 35. The 2nd cycle of IUI success tips is IUI success rises more in the 2nd attempt and guarantees a healthy live birth. Therefore, you have the best chance of having a baby after multiple cycle IUI attempts.

2nd cycle IUI improves the chance of conception in certain cases of male factor infertility, specifically when the initial sperm count is low. The more IUI cycles you undergo, the higher your chance of pregnancy. For women under 35, three cycles are advised by doctors, and for those over 40, three rounds.

The most essential key in 2nd cycle IUI success tips is to try IUI at your best reproductive age. The best age for women is between 21-35 years and males below 65 years as this age shows good quality eggs and sperm that enhance the highest IUI success rates.

IUI Success Symptoms

The most visible and felt IUI success symptoms that show that IUI treatment has been successful and that indicates you are pregnant:

  • Bleeding: Bleeding within two weeks after IUI is usually known as implantation bleeding indicating early symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Menstrual delay: The delaying of menstruation than regular is a symptom of IUI success.
  • Breast tenderness: Changes in pregnancy hormone levels specifically, increases in estrogen and progesterone make the breasts sensitive, sore, swell, or tingling which usually decreases after 1 week while some may experience it during the entire pregnancy. These experiences can be very early IUI success symptoms.
  • Fatigue: The state of tiredness, exhaustion, or loss of energy describes the IUI success symptoms indicating pregnancy at 1 week. A rapid rise in the pregnancy hormone levels of HCG progesterone can contribute to fatigue.
  • Nausea: Feelings of vomiting, headache, and tiredness after IUI are its success symptoms.
  • Food cravings & aversions: The hungriness and cravings for specific foods especially sourness like lemon, tamarind, raspberry, and other specific food aversions the signs of IUI success symptoms.
  • Take a Pregnancy test: The other way to determine whether or not IUI has worked is to take a pregnancy test after 14 days of the IUI procedure. It is not easy to get a reliable result before 14 days. Multiple pregnancy tests with repeating the same positive results mean 100% IUI success symptoms.
  • Other possible symptoms: Experience cramping or other stomach discomfort. Other early pregnancy signs include constipation, stomach discomfort, dizziness, and exhaustion. However, most women do not experience symptoms until several days after implantation.

What To Eat After IUI For Success?

Many people try to eat different types of food in the hope of improving their IUI success rates. However, one should remember that many food items are not medically and scientifically proven and should not be consumed blindly. But one should follow expert healthcare physician diets. Some of the most common and easily available foods are:

  1. Green Leafy Vegetables: Leafy greens, pot herbs, kale, Asparagus, collard greens, cabbage, and lettuces, or simply greens, are eaten due to their high folic acid and vitamin C content, which promote ovulation. Sometimes accompanied by tender petioles and shoots.
  2. Diary Products: Dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, milk, and butter or milk products like lacticinia are recommended. The most common dairy animals are cows, water buffalo, nanny goats, and ewes.
  3. Sunflower Seeds: Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, folate, and selenium are abundant in sunflower seeds. Each variety has its unique levels of monounsaturated, saturated, and polyunsaturated fats. They may be added to salads, yogurt, and smoothies or eaten raw.
  4. Dried Fruits: Dried fruit is fruit from which the majority of the original water content has been removed either naturally, through sun drying, or the use of specialized dryers or dehydrators. They are good for reproductivity.
  5. Processed Meats: Lean meats, and good fats are really important for IUI’s success.
  6. Egg: Iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and fat-soluble vitamins are all abundant in egg yolks. They boost the overall reproductive health.


Following the mentioned 11 essential keys can be very beneficial for successful IUI treatments and might not require other additional treatments.

Although some of them might be much familiar to most of us they are quite common. If you don’t know what to look for and think you might be pregnant or most excited to know the results from the IUI carefully follow your physician’s guide.

IUI is the simplest, least invasive, and painless than other advanced treatments. Simply, IUI can give you parenthood without spending more money and less stress. You just have to explain your conditions to the experts and get done with IUI. When IUI is done at the right age, right time, and right clinic, the better the chance of IUI success rate. Contact the fertility cure now and receive a free IUI consultation from the best specialist.


  1. How do I make my IUI more successful?

Avoid excessive caffeine, and alcohol, and quit smoking. Medically using certain medications can increase the number of mature eggs available for fertilization during an IUI cycle. This helps to enhance the chances of successful conception by increasing the odds of fertilization. However, all these precautions must be followed with expert consultations.

  1. What to do before IUI for success?

If you have faith in IUI for your parenthood dream. There is not much to do before IUI for success, simply you have to consult the experts and follow their guidance carefully. In India, the Fertility cure team has created a track record of delivering the highest number of IUI treatments with a great success rate. Never follow the write-up blindly without consulting because every individual has a different body response and must be dealt with accordingly.

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