Benefits of HSG test

The inside view of the uterus & fallopian tubes is distinctly projected by the hysterosalpingography (HSG) test. This HSG test is beneficial as it allows Doctors to evaluate the fallopian tubes (fully/partly blocked/open) and studies whether the inside of the uterus is morphologically normal or not.

It also determines other female infertility factors like chlamydial infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, and endometriosis. HSG tests enable women to obtain the right treatment at the right time. The Fertility Cure Centre specialist team has discussed the benefits of the HSG test in this context.

What Is HSG test?

HSG is called hysterosalpingography test which is a diagnostic imaging technique especially for assessing female infertility of the endometrial cavity and the fallopian tubes, as well as other factors like chlamydial infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or pelvic issues. The test uses fluoroscopy and X-ray technique technology for visualization.

Importance Of HSG Test

The main importance of the HSG test is its distinct internal visualization of the uterus (endometrial cavity) and the fallopian tubes. It assured the examining Doctors about the tubal status (block/open). The test also provides information about the uterine cavity morphological status (shape, size), and checks the presence of scarring, or whether there may be adhesions or scarring in the pelvis.

Some Essential Benefits Of HSG Test

HSG test is considered advantageous because of the following benefits received from the test:

  • HSG is regarded as a relatively safe and secure procedure.
  • It enables the reasons for a delay in conceiving.
  • It identifies whether the fallopian tube is fully or partially blocked or open.
  • It determines uterine problems, such as an abnormal shape, size, or structure.
  • HSG test has a more than 30% potential to increase pregnancy rates.
  • The test identifies an injury, polyps, fibroids, adhesions, or a foreign object in the uterus.

How HSG Test Is Done?

The hysterosalpingography (HSG) test is done by injecting a contrast dye (easier-to-see structures or tissues) into the uterus and the fallopian tubes. The dye shows fluorescence of targeted structures on an X-ray screen. It also outlines the inner size and shape of the uterus and fallopian tubes. We can also visualize dye movements in the body structures.

HSG is usually performed during the first half of the menstrual cycle because it reduces the chance that you may be pregnant at this time.  During the procedure, a thin tube (speculum/cannula) is inserted through the vagina and cervix. A contrast material is injected into the uterus after that a series of X-rays, or fluoroscopy, follows the dye, which appears white on X-ray, as it moves into the uterus and then into the fallopian tubes. This fluorescence dye signal or movement on the screen enables the doctor to study the target organs.

Symptoms Of Pregnancy After HSG Test

There is not much clear information as to why the pregnancy rate increases after an HSG test but it is believed that during the test, the dye flushes out the debris of fallopian tubes (clears minor blocks), dye solution may also enhance the endometrium making implantation easier, or enhance ovulation.

The symptoms of pregnancy after an HSG test and normal pregnancy are similar. Some of the following pregnancy symptoms after an HSG test include missed periods, breast tenderness, fatigue, Nausea, or vomiting, implantation bleeding, blotting, etc. If you feel like you’re pregnant after an HSG test, it’s advisable to take a home pregnancy test or consult your doctor for better knowledge.

When Is The Best Time To Do The HSG test?

The best time to do an HSG test is typically one week after menstruation or during the first half of the menstrual cycle which is between days 1 to 14 but before ovulation. This timing helps avoid potential disruption of a new pregnancy and ensures the fallopian tubes are clear of menstrual debris, or reduces the chance that you may be pregnant.

Is The HSG Test Painful?

No, the HSG test is not that painful. Usually, the patient may feel mild pain or discomfort like cramping during or after the procedure due to the insertion or movement of the dye solution in the tubal channel, one may feel more discomfort when a dye encounters blockages in the tubes that make the dye to accumulate and increase pressure in the blocked area. Therefore, many different methods have been prepared to prevent pain perception during HSG. However, the pain, and discomfort are different from individual to individual, some may not feel the pain at all.

Signs Of Infection After HSG

HSG test usually does not have side effects or does not show signs of infection after the test. Usually, HSG tests cause mild pain or discomfort during or after the procedure but they are short-lived. However, if any patients experience longer impacts signs such as fever, coolness, fainting, vomiting, heavy vaginal bleeding, foul-smell vaginal discharge, and severe cramping in their abdomen after an HSG test, you’re recommended to consult with your experts without delay to receive fast relief.

What Is The Next Step After The HSG Test?

The next step after the HSG test will depend on the HSG test result. If it determines the fallopian tube blockage patient may follow the next step including procedures like a laparoscopy to examine the reproductive organs in more detail or as recommended by your doctor to further diagnose and treat the problem or the patient can undergo in-vitro fertilization (IVF) which does not involve dealing with blockage. Always obey and follow the expert’s advice.

Natural Pregnancy After HSG Test

HSG is basically a diagnostic test that determines the internal structures of the uterus and the fallopian tubes (block/open/partly). Therefore, if the structures of the uterus and the fallopian tubes are normal in the HSG results, then patients can ultimately try natural pregnancy.  However, the likelihood of natural pregnancy after an HSG test significantly depends on various factors, including your age, overall health, and the presence or absence of other fertility issues.

What Is The HSG test price?

If you feel like having an HSG test and ensuring the status of your uterus and the fallopian tube, your decision is excellent. HSG test will declare your confusion. At the Fertility Cure centre, patients can receive HSG tests at the lowest cost ranging from Rs. 1000. to Rs. 5000. The HSG test price may vary from place to place or depending on the minor/major fertility conditions.


The female reproduction occurs only in the uterus and the fallopian tubes. So, if anything wrong occurs in these reproductive structures can cause infertility factors including blockage, barriers, adhesions, polyps, fibroids, and endometriosis which may lead to pregnancy failure. Therefore, if you’re trying to conceive but not succeeding then you should evaluate reproductive structures. The most appropriate test is HSG as it offers great benefits of the distinct uterus and fallopian tubal visual in X-ray, giving your doctors clear knowledge about your reproductive structures and enabling them to guide you with the next step so that you get pregnant now or in the future. Contact the Fertility Cure today and receive a free consultation.


  1. Can the HSG test improve fertility?

About 30% has been shown to improve fertility which is increased pregnancy rates after an HSG test in couples with unexplained infertility. This fertility improvement of fertility after HSG is presumed that the dye itself flushes out debris and clears minor blocks, dye solution may also enhance the endometrium making implantation easier, or enhance ovulation.

  1. What are the benefits of the HSG test?

  • HSG test is safe and secure.
  • It tells if the fallopian tube is fully or partially blocked or open.
  • It checks the uterus’s structures, shape, and size.
  • It solves the reasons for the delay in conceiving.
  • It also identifies an injury, polyps, fibroids, adhesions, or a foreign object in the uterus.
  • It improves fertility by more than 30%.

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