Surrogacy Cost in Australia

Surrogacy in Australia allows singles or couples who can’t conceive to become parents. Altruistic surrogacy in Australia is legal with surrogate reimbursed for pregnancy related expenses. Comprehensive financial planning and legal compliance are essential for surrogacy. The Surrogacy cost in Australia involves price of various things, including medical, legal, and service fees.

Surrogacy offers doors to parenthood to individuals or couples, unable to conceive but desire to have a 100% or 50% biological child(ren). Commercial surrogacy is illegal but altruistic surrogacy is legal in Australia. Each year more than 115 surrogacy births take place across Australia. The surrogacy cost offered by the Fertility Cure surrogacy clinic is between 55,000 USD to 80,000 USD which is the most reasonable surrogacy package in Australia.

Is surrogacy in Australia legal?

Commercial surrogacy is illegal but altruistic surrogacy is legal in Australia. All intending parents can legally pursue surrogacy in Australia by bringing their surrogate implies she is the relative of the intending parents.

Surrogacy in Australia

Surrogacy in Australia comes under state and territorial law. Therefore, the legal framework and documentation procedures vary according to different jurisdictions. Understanding the laws and regulations of each state or territory ensures compliance and protected rights of all parties involved. Let’s understand “surrogacy in Australia” accordingly:

  • Commercial surrogacy is illegal, only altruistic surrogacy is permitted in Australia.
  • The surrogate will not receive any financial gain other than reimbursement for reasonable expenses related to the surrogacy process, medical expenses associated with the pregnancy and birth, clothing, fooding, and accommodation during the procedure.
  • In Australia, surrogacy arrangements can’t be enforced. For example, if the surrogate doesn’t want to give up the baby or the intended parents don’t want to take it, they can’t be forced to.
  • Surrogate parents are entitled to unpaid parental leave if they meet the eligibility requirements.

Let’s discuss “ The surrogacy cost in Australia”

The expected most comfortable surrogacy cost in Australia is about 55,000 USD to 80,000 USD offered by Fertility Cure. Generally, the surrogacy package varies from clinic to clinic and place to place due to the different factors including, standards, the legal framework of that place, different packages of donor assistance and surrogate expenditures, donors origin, etc. In conclusion, the surrogacy cost in Australia, every surrogacy journey may be different depending on the conditions of the intending parents, and summing up the inclusive surrogacy cost can be difficult before the procedure. However, from the experiences, the specialist’s team can approximate the cost involved from minimum to maximum amount payable by the intending parents.

Surrogacy cost break-up, Australia

Surrogacy involves various costs that cover the overall expense of the process and procedures. The table below represents the surrogacy cost break-up in Australia. The represented costs include self-cycle, donor-cycle,  donor-assistance, and number of transfers with self or donors. It is essential to understand the breakdown of these costs to make informed decisions.



1 IVF Cycle 

1 transfer of self egg

1 IVF cycle


1 transfer of Donor eggs


1 IVF cycle

+ 1 Transfer with self egg & 1IVF +3Transfer with donor egg


  1 IVF+1 transfer self eggs & 1 IVF+3 transfer with European donor egg phenotype

1st Payment: 

@the signature of the contract





2nd Payment: Before Matching





3rd Payment: Before IVF





4th Payment: @week 12





  5th Payment@week 24





Total Cost





What are the things covered by the surrogacy cost?

In surrogacy, a woman carries the pregnancy and gives birth to another individual or couple who finds it difficult to carry the pregnancy themselves. By nature, surrogacy is a complex and follow-up journey that involves a legal framework, medical procedures, donor assistance (if needed), a surrogate mother, and strong ethical concerns.  Every surrogacy process and procedure involves the price. Let’s understand what things are involved in the inclusive surrogacy cost in Australia:

  • Counseling & Psychological Assessments: Intended parents will receive counseling and psychological assessments from counselors and psychologists specializing in surrogacy. Their fees are included in the surrogacy cost.
  • Fertility treatment: The cost of the fertility treatment is estimated based on how many cycles will be required, whether donor eggs or sperm are involved, and the success of the treatment.
  • Legal framework documentation: Legal documentation is represented by surrogacy lawyers and his/her fees can be an hourly rate or a fixed. The cost of legal documentation can vary depending on many factors, including whether you need a written agreement. Surrogacy costs cover the intended parent’s legal advisor fees as well as the surrogate and her partner.
  • Surrogacy procedures: Surrogacy is impossible without an In-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure, IVF includes medication, superovulation, egg retrieval, sperm collection, and fertilization of the egg and sperm in the embryology lab. All these steps required special equipment or machines, and experts. These IVF procedures and embryo transfer in the surrogate uterus expenses are also included in the surrogacy cost.
  • Surrogate Expenditure: The surrogate mother has to undergo screening, medication, overall healthcare, and matching for the surrogacy journey. During surrogacy, she needs clothing, fooding, and accommodation. She has to be assisted financially for her time off work. Life insurance for the surrogate. All these surrogate expenditures are included in the surrogacy cost.
  • Pregnancy and Birth: 100% health care is given to surrogates during pregnancy and birth. It also includes medication, prenatal supplements, and treatments that might be required during pregnancy and birth. This cost is included in the surrogacy cost.
  • Parentage Order: When the baby is born, the parentage order of the child is applied to court by the representing lawyers. The order recognizes the intending parents as the legal parents and includes their names in the Birth Certificate. The cost involved in formulating the parentage order is also included in the surrogacy cost.
  • In simple terms, all the compact surrogacy processes and procedures are furnished from one time Australia’s inclusive surrogacy cost. Intended parents don’t have to pay extra.

Exploring the surrogate mother cost in Australia

Since the Australian government legalized only altruistic surrogacy, the birth mother (surrogate) does not receive any financial payment other than reasonable reimbursement of initial medical screenings, and evaluations to ensure the surrogate’s physical and mental suitability for the process, medical expenses, base fees, maternity clothing, fooding, accommodation, and transportation costs for the surrogacy procedure. Therefore, the surrogate mother cost in Australia is included in the total surrogacy cost. In the self-cycle, the surrogate mother’s fee is included in 55,000 USD. In door-cycle surrogacy, the surrogate mother’s cost is included in 80,000 USD.  However, it is important to negotiate and establish clear agreements regarding surrogate compensation and expenditures.

Also, during pregnancy, the surrogate mother needs regular prenatal checkups, ultrasound scans, and medical appointments. She can be recommended with medications, vitamins, or supplements to enhance the child’s health. These costs are typically covered by the inclusive surrogacy cost.

Also, after the delivery, the surrogate needs postnatal care which involves the cost including essential medical care, postpartum recovery expenses, and potential complications that may arise. All these surrogate mothers’ costs or expenditures are included in the total surrogacy cost.

Assistance & services under the surrogacy cost in Australia

Apart from paid services, the Fertility Cure surrogacy team provides additional uncharged surrogacy assistance and services in Australia, that include:

  • Visa assistance to foreigners seeking surrogacy in Australia.
  • Travel assistance and guides.
  • Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo) to those parents who need it.
  • Surrogate mother arrangement to those who cannot bring their own.
  • Pick-n-drop services when intended parents reach Australia.
  • Hotel/homestay arrangements.

Why choose the Fertility Cure Centre for surrogacy in Australia?

In Australia, the Fertility Cure has been the top surrogacy centre for many years. The centre has established its surrogacy centre in every Australian state which paves the way for the easiest and cheapest mode of transportation for intending parents in that area. The centre strictly follows the legal Australian surrogacy framework and provides Altruistic surrogacy at the most reasonable package with an assured 85% in self-cycle and guaranteed 95% success rates in the donor cycle. The centre’s high experience focused on the 100% overall well-being of the surrogate mother, the child, and the intended parents. The fertility cure team is committed and welcomes every intending parent who is hopeful to experience parenthood once in their life. Surrogacy is the ultimate option at an affordable cost in Australia.


  1. How common is surrogacy in Australia?

Surrogacy is rapidly growing in Australia each year. About there 200 surrogacy births take place across Australia and the numbers keep increasing each year. The influx of international intended parents to Australia is increasing for the surrogacy programs. Surrogacy laws strongly support all the involved parties and most importantly the protection and the rights of the child born are of great concern.

  1. When did surrogacy become legal in Australia?

Since 2004 surrogacy has been legal in the Australian capital territory. All jurisdiction allows altruistic surrogacy and prohibits commercial surrogacy. Intended parents are also encouraged to use donor assistance if required. Today, surrogacy is a more regular practice for childless intended parents with full rights in Australia.

  1. Who is eligible for surrogacy in Australia?

The Australian government allows surrogacy to all types of families including heterosexual couples, single parents, gay couples from 21 March 2017, etc. However, such couples must prove the certificates of inability to get pregnant.

  1. Is surrogate mother illegal in Australia?

The surrogate mother is legal in Australia. Any woman or relatives of the intending parents can become the surrogate. However, she must have consent from the family members and agree to carry the child without any financial gain except for her expenditures involved in the surrogacy programs.

  1. What happens if a surrogate wants to keep the baby in Australia?

If a surrogate mother wants to keep the baby, the Australian surrogacy laws can’t be enforced in her case and she is allowed to keep the baby. However, in every surrogacy procedure, the intended parents and the surrogate have to sign a contract agreement that mentions all the do’s and don’ts of legal surrogacy. Most of the agreement contains parentage order and a statement saying, the surrogate has to hand over the baby immediately to the intended parents after the birth, that she has to follow accordingly.

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