irregular menstrual cycle

In medical AMH  is known as Anti-Müllerian hormone. It is the most important hormone produced exclusively by granulosa cells/blood in females. The AMH levels are important markers of ovarian reserve and are highly associated with ovarian follicular development and their selection for ovulation. AMH inhibits the recruitment and growth of follicles by restricting growth factors and the effect of gonadotropins. Here we will be discussing the 13  signs and symptoms of low AMH.

Fertility treatments and services to improve low AMH levels

The Fertility Cure Centre provides the following well-supported infertility treatments and services to infertile patients with low AMH levels, at the most reasonable costs in pan India. They include:

  1. AMH test- Process and cost in India.
  2. In-vitro fertilization (IVF)
  3. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
  4. Intracytoplasmic sperm Injection
  5. Frozen embryo transfer (FET).
  6. Laser-assisted hatching (LAH)
  7. Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)
  8. Tubal Evaluation.
  9. Laparoscopy.
  10. Semen Analysis: Semen Analysis test cost.
  11. Egg Freezing: Cost of egg freezing in India.
  12. Altruistic Surrogacy- What is Altruistic Surrogacy?
  13. Assist in achieving natural fertilization in low AMH levels.

Low AMH Means

In females, a low AMH means her egg supply is shrinking (diminishing ovarian reserve) and her time to get pregnant may be over or shorter. In men, low serum AMH is associated with severely impaired gonadal function which is indicated by poor semen quality and lower testosterone/LH ratio.

Importance of AMH Testing

The importance of female AMH testing is to enable doctors to determine whether she is capable of becoming a mother or not. AMH levels can tell how many eggs are left in the ovaries and how much time is left for her to try pregnancy with her eggs, medically termed “ovarian reserve.”

In the IVF treatment, the female shall have a sufficient number of viable eggs to retrieve and the male shall have healthy sperm. An AMH test can help a doctor determine ovarian reserve without any delay and estimate a successful IVF. Therefore, an obstetrician or gynecologist will ask for an AMH test especially when you are above 30 years and approach them for fertility issues or ART treatment.

What are normal AMH levels and low AMH levels?

Normal AMH level is considered between 1.5 ng/ml to 4 ng/ml. In the AMH test results anything below 1.5 ng/ml is considered low AMH levels and less than 0.3 ng/ml is considered very low. However, the range of AMH level calculation may vary from lab to lab depending on the standards of the instruments applied.

More about 13 signs and symptoms of low AMH

The most common signs and symptoms of low AMH are described below:

  1. Monthly irregular menstrual cycles, mainly shorter cycles that are 23 to 24 days.
  2. Absence of menses or mucosal tissue during periods,
  3. Poor response to ovarian stimulation,
  4. Poor-quality eggs: The ovaries hinder their function optimally and can disrupt egg quality in women with low AMH.
  5. Difficulty in conceiving a child: A low AMH count can be a potential cause of difficulty conceiving.
  6. Reach early Menopause: Women with significantly lower AMH show early menopause.
  7. Hot flushes, anxiety, mood swings, and irritability: Hormonal fluctuations like AMH can lead to mood swings and emotional instability which is a common sign in women with low AMH.
  8. Vaginal dryness: It can be caused by a low AMH level.
  9. Elevation of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Levels: Low AMH level elevates the FSH levels.
  10. Loss of sexual activity: A hormonal imbalances such as low AMH levels lead to decreased interest in sexual activity.
  11. Miscarriages: Low AMH levels increase the risk of miscarriage due to lower egg quality.
  12. Unexplained fatigue: Persistent fatigue without clear symptoms may indicate hormonal imbalances, including low AMH.
  13. Increased risk of pregnancy complications: AMH also plays a role in other reproductive organs. So, its decreased level can cause reproductive complications.

What to do if your AMH level is low?

If you’re a woman with a lower AMH level, getting pregnant might be difficult or abnormal. In such situations, opting for In-vitro fertilization (IVF) can help you get pregnant. You can also choose other treatments like Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) available as well.

If you want to conceive naturally, there is a possibility but ensure to make AMH level normal. A doctor can suggest some important tasks to boost AMH levels including reducing exposure to sunlight, consuming more Leafy greens, and incorporating a more fiber-content diet which can help to balance hormones and can improve AMH levels.

Signs and symptoms of low ovarian reserve

As already mentioned above, AMH levels are important markers of ovarian reserve and are highly associated with ovarian follicular development and their selection for ovulation. Therefore, imbalances in AMH levels are directly associated with low ovarian reserve. Other common signs and symptoms of low ovarian reserve include:

  • Irregular menstrual cycles.
  • Not getting pregnant.
  • Shortening of the menstrual rhythm like 28-day cycles reduced to 24 days.
  • Reduced or absent premenstrual symptoms.
  • Weaker response to fertility treatments like IVF.
  • You have below 12 egg count.
  • Later signs and symptoms include hot flashes, trouble sleeping, missed menstrual periods, and vaginal dryness.
  • Miscarriage.

Supplements for low AMH

A low AMH can be brought to its normal level if the patient strictly follows her physician. There are certain proven supplementations for low AMH such are described below:

  • Selenium and vit-E supplements: A supplement consisting of selenium and vitamin E can boost the diminishing ovarian reserve that ultimately increases the low AMH level.
  •  Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) Supplements: It is the supplementation of antioxidants to rejuvenate egg quality and possibly increase low AMH levels.
  • Omega-3 fatty acid supplements: These supplements not only help boost AMH levels but are beneficial for overall fertility issues. This is recommended for all fertility patients.
  • Vitamin B Complex supplement: B vitamins are essential for overall hormonal balance and may help boost AMH levels.
  • Vitamin D supplement: A deficiency in Vitamin D can lead to lower AMH levels. Vitamin D is provided to patients with DOR, as it causes an increase in AFC and AMH levels and a decrease in FSH levels. Therefore, more exposure to sunlight is recommended.
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA): DHEA supplements have proved to increase AMH levels by studies. Certain nutritional interventions contribute to a targeted effect on ovarian reserve.

How to increase AMH levels?

If low AMH levels are due to polycystic ovaries or another treatable condition, treatment can help improve anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) levels. Tips to increase AMH levels by natural means of trying include

  • Maintain regular activeness: Regular physical activity like exercise, meditation like yoga, fertility yoga, and other curricular activities can help improve our overall health and boost fertility i.e. boost AMH levels. Regular meditation can help manage stress and promote overall hormonal balance.
  • Normal healthy weight: Obesity or overweight can influence abnormal AMH levels and maintaining a healthy weight goes hand in hand with fertility including normal AMH.
  • Avoid intoxication: Avoid alcohol, smoking, and drugs. Alcohol can have detrimental effects on fertility. Smoking can adversely affect your AMH levels.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet: One’s lifestyle factors like eating habits can disrupt the AMH secretion. There are many trained fertility dieticians available like the Fertility Cure team. Consult a fertility dietician and strictly follow their instruction such as the Mediterranean diet.
  • Reduce stress levels: Stress is one of the most common factors in weakening body functions including fertility. Destressing them will help improve AMH levels.
  • Consume these fruits: Fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, avocado, kiwi, almonds, and leafy greens are some of the common and easily available fruits that can boost the AMH level.
  • Eat protein-rich foods: Consume lean proteins. It helps to balance hormones and can improve AMH levels.
  • Acupuncture therapy


Understanding the top 13 signs and symptoms of low AMH is the first step where one learned in managing fertility challenges associated with it at the earliest possible. It is possible to conceive naturally even with low AMH levels, and taking a holistic approach to reproductive health can greatly increase the chances of success.

With the right guidance and help, your dreams of parenthood can still become a reality by following the dietician’s instructions on how to improve it, also your specialist’s suggestion is key to improving your low AMH level. Contact the Fertility Cure today, and get a free consultation.


  1. Can I get pregnant with low AMH?

Getting pregnant is possible in women with low AMH levels. However, such possibility of getting pregnant is mainly applied to women between 21 to 30 years. According to statistics, there is a 60% chance for a woman with a low AMH level to get pregnant in a younger age group.

  1. Why my AMH level is low with a regular menstrual cycle?

Remember this point, when your AMH tests show a low level but you are having regular periods then you’re likely undergoing ovulation (releasing egg by the ovaries). At this time you’re likely to have a successful pregnancy if you try intercourse or IVF to become parents.

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