What is Hyperspermia? Symptoms, Treatments, and Causes

If you’re male & have ever seen the amount of semen you ejaculate during intercourse/masturbation is more than the normal volume, this is termed Hyperspermia. In India, about 5% of the male population experienced this condition. The normal range of semen ejaculation is between 2 to 6 ml & beyond 6.2 ml is considered hyperspermia. The Fertility Cure Centre experienced team has discussed the possible symptoms, treatments, and causes of Hyperspermia in this context.

Types of Hyperspermia

There are two types of Hyperspermia:

  1. Primary Hyperspermia: The primary type of hyperspermia typically occurs without an identifiable cause. It often causes naturally with variation in an individual’s reproductive system. Primary Hyperspermia does not cause infertility.
  2. Secondary Hyperspermia: In this secondary type, the increased semen volume is a result of specific underlying factors, such as inflammation, infection, or hormonal imbalances. This condition can cause infertility and requires early medical attention.

What Is Hyperspermia?

Hyperspermia, a rare male fertility condition that impacts about 5% of the Indian male population. Under the condition, the male will abnormally release more amount of semen volume above 6.2 mL. However, hyperspermia alone does not appear to influence sperm health but releasing more semen lowers the relative volumes of sperm content, influencing low fertility.

Hyperspermia Symptoms

Any male can identify whether his infertility conditions are due to Hyperspermia when they experiences the following symptoms:

  1. A male with slower and continued semen ejaculation than normal is delayed in reaching orgasm due to the thick consistency of semen.
  2. Some males will have itchy and painful ejaculation due to semen thickness and concentration which can cause unbearable pain while ejaculating.
  3. Experience fatigue or weakness due to a longer time than usual to ejaculate.
  4. Sleepiness (dizziness) after sex.
  5. Higher and more active sexual drive than before.
  6. The stretchiness or tightness of the penis during, while ejaculating, and after sex.
  7. Some will discharge yellowish-colored or off-white semen.
  8. Experience breathing trouble for some time after ejaculation.
  9. At the end of every ejaculation, one may see the presence of thin semen.
  10. Also, after some time, patients with hyperspermia may find it difficult to get an erection causing impotence or erectile dysfunction.

We recommend patients learn the symptoms of hyperspermia as early as possible to ensure faster treatment. Earlier diagnosis to faster treatment can help to overcome the condition.

Hyperspermia Causes

The following factors are the different factors that can cause Hyperspermia includes:

  1. Genetic problems: Genetic predisposition can cause Hyperspermia sometimes resulting in natural changes in some patients.
  2. Hormonal level imbalances: Hormonal imbalances, especially testosterone could influence semen production potentially causing hyperspermia.
  3. Conditions of the prostate: The infection of the prostate gland due to inflammation or infection increases semen volume causing hyperspermia.
  4. Due to sexual abstinence: Restraining oneself from sex can result in a higher volume of semen during subsequent ejaculations leading to hyperspermia.
  5. Due to the use of certain medications: Steroid usage and pills to boost sexual performance can cause hyperspermia.
  6. Eating protein-rich food: Consumption of highly fibrous and protein-rich foods can cause hyperspermia.

Hyperspermia Treatments

Hyperspermia may not possibly cause infertility problems but sometimes it can lead to problems getting their partners pregnant. Moreover, even when they get pregnant, there will be a risk of miscarriage. Hyperspermia treatment typically depends on its prime underlying cause, if diagnosed. In primary hyperspermia cases, treatment may not be necessary, but individuals should always consult a healthcare professional to determine any associated conditions. However, in the case of secondary hyperspermia, it may require treating the underlying factors, such as hormonal imbalances or prostate issues, to normalize semen volume.

Therefore, if any man suffers from hyperspermia affecting your ability to get your partner pregnant, treatments or other solutions can improve your odds of conceiving, one must approach for early possible treatment. The treatments include:

  • Prescribed medicines can improve the sperm count.
  • Go for sperm retrieval techniques such as TESA, TESE, MESA, etc to extract enough healthy sperm. Once the sperm is retrieved, it can be injected directly into your partner’s uterus during Intrauterine insemination (IUI) treatment.
  • The retrieved can be directly injected into the egg from the laboratory during intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment. The fertilized embryo is then inserted into the uterus to achieve pregnancy.
  • The retrieved sperm can be mixed with the retrieved egg in the laboratory during in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. The fertilized embryo is then inserted into the uterus to achieve pregnancy.

Diagnosis Of Hyperspermia

To diagnose hyperspermia, a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s medical history, a physical examination, and possibly laboratory tests are performed. The physical examination methods described below are used to diagnose hyperspermia:

  • Semen analysis test: A semen sample is collected by traditional or surgical methods or during sex. The sample will go to a lab, where a technician will check the number (count), movement, and quality of your sperm through a semen analysis test. The semen analysis test cost is between Rs. 300 to Rs. 1000.
  • Hormone test: Bloodwork and tests are done to see if you’re making enough testosterone and other male hormones. Low or testosterone imbalances can contribute to hyperspermia.
  • Imaging test: An ultrasound of testicles or other parts of the male reproductive system is performed that check for factors that may be contributing to hyperspermia.

Side Effects Of Too Much Sperm

Ejaculation of too much sperm is known as a hypospermia condition. The side effects of too much sperm do not usually cause infertility but may lead to some effects on a person’s mental well-being including:

  • Loss of confidence.
  • Painful ejaculation.
  • Dizziness after sex.
  • Fatigue or weakness after sex.
  • The penis stretchiness.
  • In some cases, it can lead to issues within the male reproductive system.
  • The good news is that too much sperm does not lead to serious medical issues.

Signs Of High Sperm Count

The signs of high sperm count are indicated by the following factors:

  • Parameters of more than 300 million sperm per ml are considered as high sperm count.
  • Excessive amounts of semen.
  • Abnormal wetness during sex.
  • The feeling of frequent urination than normal.
  • Feelings of pelvis pressure.
  • Painful during ejaculation.
  • A range of shades and textures is typical


Hyperspermia is a rare male fertility condition and not as common as other reproductive health issues. However, it is a condition that needs early attention, understanding, and strict treatment in case of a secondary condition but primary hyperspermia is without any underlying cause, and may not require specific treatment. With a thorough understanding of this condition, individuals can make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Natural remedies specifically for hyperspermia treatment are not proven, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable to determine the cause and appropriate management.


  1. Can hyperspermia cause pain?

Medically, hyperspermia relates to the release of more amount of semen with a lesser sperm count than normal ejaculation. Therefore, the release of more semen during sex or masturbation cause pain in the penis. Not only painful but it also causes fatigue, weakness, sleepiness, the stretchiness of the penis, etc.

  1. Does hyperspermia cause infertility?

Yes, Hyperspermia may cause a man’s infertility failing him to impregnate his wife/partner. Usually, men with very high semen volume have less sperm count during ejaculation causing more dilution of the fluid. Having a low sperm count reduces the chance to fertilize a partner’s eggs. Hyperspermia can also result in miscarriage.

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