Best country for surrogacy

Surrogacy is an amazing journey to experiencing parenthood. Globally, many countries allow surrogacy while some countries have strict prohibitions. Legal countries provide either altruistic or gestational and some allow both procedures. Each country has its surrogacy regulations and some do not have strict regulations. In this article, the expert at Fertility Cure centre will help you understand the best country for surrogacy in terms of regulations, procedures, success rates, eligibility, and most importantly, the costs.

Refined best country for surrogacy

Below we have discussed the present countries that are offering the best surrogacy programs to both domestic and International parents:

  1. Indian surrogacy

The surrogacy process in India is at the highest standard today. In 2021, it prohibited commercial but permitted altruistic surrogacy to both domestic and International parents who held Indian passports by either one of the partners or both. The surrogate mother must be known as the relative of the intended parents. However, there are surrogacy centres that assist intended parents in getting the surrogate from any origin. The surrogacy cost in India is way more affordable than in other legal surrogacy countries, Intended parents avail surrogacy costs from Rs. 18 lakhs to Rs. 20 lakhs which is inclusive of complete surrogacy programs, and egg donor assistance, visa assistance, travel assistance, hotel/homestay assistance.

  1. Surrogacy in Kenya

Surrogacy in Kenya is the second-best country for surrogacy programs. The country offers legal surrogacy to both intended domestic parents and foreigners avails the surrogacy cost in Kenya ranging from 40,000 USD to 45,000 USD inclusive of the surrogate mother’s cost and egg donor. The country legally regulates surrogacy and documented procedures.

After the birth of the baby, the surrogate immediately hands over the baby to the intended parents, and the Department of Vital Statistics issues the birth certificate of the baby mentioning the names of his/her intended parents as a legal parent. The Fertility Cure Centre is the finest centre here in Kenya that offers affordable donor assistance, surrogate arrangement, and additional services to foreigners such as visa assistance, travel assistance, pick and drop services, hotel/homestay arrangements, and complete surrogate health care.

  1. Surrogacy in Thailand

Thailand is also among the best country for surrogacy. However, since 2015 commercial surrogacy has been prohibited and allows surrogacy only to its citizens and Thai married to foreigners but unable to conceive due to fertility complications by either or both of the couple. The country offers self-cycle surrogacy at 55,000 USD and Donor-cycle from 65,000 USD onwards. In comparison to other countries, the surrogacy standards including the legal framework, documentation, parentage order, and full surrogacy procedure are very smooth and very distinct in Thailand. If you’re a domestic or foreigner looking for surrogacy in Thailand, the Fertility Cure Centre is the best approach.

  1. Surrogacy in Georgia

Georgia is the best country for surrogacy for foreigners and its citizens. The country has no restrictions on surrogacy and legally allows surrogacy to all heterosexuals, single parents, and LGBT couples of all origins. It has a special legal provision for international Intended parents and is reasonably priced as a self-cycle is 40,000 USD and a Donor-cycle is 60,000 USD onwards inclusive of the surrogate cost and complete surrogacy procedures.

Here, in Kenya intended parents will receive the best additional surrogacy services from the Fertility Cure centre apart from surrogacy packages including assistance with an egg donor, surrogate arrangements, visa, travel, hotel/homestays, and pick-n-drop services. When you look for surrogacy in Georgia, the Fertility Cure is the best centre that helps and guides intended parents throughout the journey.

Highest surrogacy success rates

At present, India, Kenya, Thailand, and Georgia are on the list of having the highest surrogacy rates. Their average surrogacy success rate is 75% to 85% in self-cycle surrogacy and reaches 95% with donor-cycle surrogacy. Top surrogacy Doctors of Fertility Cure centres in these countries have explained, that the highest surrogacy rate is obtained from intended women or donors of the 21-35 years group due to the availability of good quality eggs. Older women also produce success rates but lower as compared. Most women above 37 years opt for donor assistance because donor cycle surrogacy guarantees the highest success rate. The chart below shows the highest surrogacy success rate of India, Kenya, Thailand, and Georgia.

Surrogacy laws of the best country

The aspects of surrogacy must be furnished by its regulations as it secures the rights of the intended parents, surrogate mothers, donors, and most importantly the rights of the baby. Many countries regulate surrogacy while many countries prohibit it. Some countries allow only altruistic while some countries allow both altruistic and commercial surrogacy. You can protect yourself, and your baby’s rights by choosing a country where surrogacy is legally viable such as India, Kenya, Thailand, Georgia, etc. Below, we have discussed the surrogacy laws of these best countries:

  1. Indian surrogacy laws: since 2021, commercial surrogacy has been banned, and altruistic surrogacy is allowed to its citizens who are married for atleast 3 years and unable to conceive and foreigners with an Indian passport holder either one partner or both partners. A surrogate must be the relative of the indeed parents and should satisfy the surrogate eligibility.
  1. Surrogacy laws in Kenya: There are no direct surrogacy regulations in Kenya and mostly documented by the surrogacy centre legal framework beginning from the initial stage. Both Kenyan citizens and international intended parents are allowed to pursue surrogacy with no restrictions. Kenya is the best country for surrogacy because of its reasonably cheap surrogacy treatment and self-reliable journey. Kenya is one of the few countries that is legally open for commercial surrogacy including same-sex and single-parent surrogacy.
  1. Surrogacy laws in Thailand: In 2015, commercial surrogacy was made illegal after a series of scandals. However, the country is planning to resurrect its commercial surrogacy trade again by amending laws very soon. It includes foreigners legally married couples and the child will get guaranteed protection and full rights of the intended parent’s origin country. Couples can bring their surrogate or can use different surrogates with the help of the legal surrogacy centre. As of now, Thailand surrogacy laws provide surrogacy to heterosexual married Thai couples, and to Thai-married foreigners who are facing difficulties in conceiving.
  1. Surrogacy laws in Georgia: The surrogacy law in Georgia is one of the finest and smoothest procedures for both domestic parents and foreigners. Surrogacy is upheld by the legal court engaging both parties and represented under a legal lawyer provided by the surrogacy centre. As long as both parties want a surrogacy agreement to proceed and be legally enforced, the Georgia legal system makes surrogacy a legal possibility.

The Fertility Cure Surrogacy’s lawyers have the highest experience in this process, so any surrogacy programs involved in the Fertility cure will not only be completed legally but also efficiently, ethically, and successfully.

Single-parent surrogacy legal countries

Globally, the Fertility Cure centre has the largest chain of surrogacy networks. For over 10 years, the centre has been helping and navigating Global single-intended parents looking for the finest single-parent surrogacy destinations across the world. In this context, the fertility cure team will help and guide you through the legal single-parent surrogacy countries including legalities, eligibility criteria, associated packages, and the approached procedures in Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Mexico, and Brazil.

Single-parent surrogacy in Colombia

Globally, Columbia is the best single-parent surrogacy legal country. Here, both domestic and international parent’s rights are strongly supported. Since 2019, the country has been friendly to single male and single female surrogacy and also supports gay marriage, adoption, and equal rights in all community services.

Single-parent surrogacy in Brazil

Single-parent surrogacy in Brazil is legal. The program is supported by a legal contract agreement between all involved parties, and the surrogate agrees to bear a child for another person or persons, who will become the child’s biological parent(s) after birth. In Brazil, it is mandatory that “only the relatives of the intending parents must carry the child” for them known as altruistic surrogacy.

Single-parent surrogacy in Mexico

In 2021, surrogacy for single men & single women in Mexico amended commercial surrogacy as legal. This right is also given to foreign intended parents to undergo surrogacy in Mexico. From 2021, the Supreme Court has declared and ensured to provide protected medical procedures to all intending parents. It also decided that no Mexican state can prohibit surrogacy. The court decision stated 3 main important parts:

  1. Surrogacy is a protected medical procedure.
  2. Intended parents are the rightful parents of surrogacy children.
  3. Surrogacy must be universally accessible.

Safest Country For Surrogacy

If you’re intended parents and looking for the safest country for surrogacy around the world. The most secured surrogacy destinations are India, Georgia, Thailand, Kenya, Colombia, etc. In these countries, the surrogacy legal framework is distinguished that strongly supports the rights of parents, surrogate mom, donors, and most importantly protection and full rights of the child. The surrogacy package also comes under the control of the framework making the most affordable destinations.

The fertility cure is the only considered agency collaborating with norms of the regulations when surrogacy is obtained by the intending parents. The centre helps and guides patients in their best possible means with additional services and assistance including visa, travel, pick-n-drop, hotel/homestay arrangements, surrogate mother, donors, and complete healthcare without compromises.

Altruistic surrogacy

A surrogacy journey where the surrogate mother is the relative of the intended parents and is not compensated except for medication and healthcare borne by the parents is known as altruistic surrogacy. Globally, many countries allow only the altruistic, some country permits commercial surrogacy while some country provides both surrogacy programs.

Why Choose Fertility Cure centre?

The Fertility Cure has been a Globally recognized surrogacy centre for over 10 years and shares the largest surrogacy services. It connects intended parents from any country and navigates them to the best legal surrogacy country or their choice of destinations. The centre provides legal surrogacy lawyers of the selected country and formulates the legal framework, and documentation required in that country.

It has the top surrogacy experts, healthcare experts, gynecologists, embryologists, and endocrinologists in place. The centre’s ART is sophisticated and ensures a success rate at an affordable package. If you’re intended parents looking for the best country for surrogacy consider the Fertility Cure, we will help, guide, and navigate you in obtaining the best outcome at a reasonable cost, the team will be with you until you receive parenthood through any of the surrogacy program including self-cycle or donor-cycle.


  1. Which country allows surrogacy for foreigners?

India allows altruistic surrogacy for foreigners with Indian passport holders (either one or by both parents and Thailand provides altruistic surrogacy to Thai-married foreigners. Other countries that provide altruistic surrogacy to foreigners include Georgia, Kenya, Colombia, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, etc.

  1. Which is the surrogacy capital of the world?

India was considered the surrogacy capital of the world before 2021. However, today it provides only altruistic surrogacy. As of today, Georgia, Kenya, Colombia, and the Philippines are the most considered, capital surrogacy in the World because of their most secured surrogacy procedure, legal framework presentation, and affordable cost.

  1. Is surrogacy good in India?

Yes, surrogacy is good in India. If you’re intended parents of Indian citizens, Indian married foreigners, or Indian passport holder foreigners then India is excellent for surrogacy. You can bring your surrogate who is your relative, this means only altruistic surrogacy is allowed. Intended parents must not compensate surrogates except for medication and healthcare. The legal framework is furnished by the surrogacy lawyer representative in smooth ways with no further disturbances. The parentage order is legit and full rights are given to the child. Therefore, India is considered the best country for surrogacy.

  1. Is it risky to have a surrogacy?

Surrogacy must not be considered a risky procedure instead the best way to achieve parenthood. If a couple of female eggs and male sperm are viable (capable of reproducing) but the female partner cannot conceive in her womb, surrogacy is the ultimate pathway to having a biological child. Also if either one of the gametes is not compatible, the use of donor assistance guarantees a 50% biological child. A complete surrogacy procedure is conducted after screening and evaluation for overall health and offered based on the results. Therefore surrogacy is not a risky procedure.

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