Gay Surrogacy In Colombia- Cheapest Country For Gay Surrogacy

Columbia is a country that legalized all types of families surrogacy, hetero couples, single parents, and gay couples. Both domestic and international parent’s rights are supported. In many countries, Gay surrogacy is prohibited but Colombia has been friendly to Gay surrogacy since 2019 and supports gay marriage, adoption, and equal rights in all community services. In this context, the Fertility cure centre team will help and guide you through the legal gay surrogacy procedure in Colombia including legalities, eligibility criteria, associated packages, and the approached procedures.

Facts to remember for surrogacy in Colombia

Fertility cure is a reputed best surrogacy agency, that offers comprehensive support & guidance.

  • Emotional support and communication are essential throughout the surrogate’s pregnancy.
  • Gestational surrogacy interlinks the genetics of the parents to the child.
  • Intending parents must be confident in the surrogacy process.
  • A surrogacy lawyer is the sole & legal authorizer.
  • The top Doctors perform surrogacy procedures.
  • Surrogate arrangements depend on the patient’s personal preferences.
  • A 100% parental rights over the child born through surrogacy.

Who can pursue surrogacy in Colombia?

Both Domestic and International heterosexual couples, same-sex couples (gay, lesbian), single males, single females, and LGBTQ couples can legally pursue surrogacy in Colombia. These sections of intending parents are strongly supported under the legal surrogacy framework provided by the Colombian constitution and International patents under Article 100.

Intending parent’s requirements for surrogacy in Colombia

  1. A valid reason for failing natural conception.
  2. Intended parents can be heterosexual, single parents, and LGBTQ community.
  3. Both domestic and international patients.
  4. Either married or unmarried.
  5. Intending couples must be between 21 to 45 years old.
  6. Under any circumstances, the biological parents cannot reject the child.
  7. The couple must bear the surrogate expenditures and compensation.

Gay surrogacy in Colombia- What all you need to remember?

  • Gay couples can be married or unmarried.
  • Surrogacy is provided to both locals and foreigners.
  • The child will be legally recognized as the biological child of the intended gay parents from the moment of conception.
  • Both parent’s names are included in the child’s birth certificates.

Surrogacy in Colombia

Surrogacy in Colombia has ignited the hope to celebrate parenthood for all family types with the right amount of legal parentage protection and reasonable surrogacy costs for gay couples, single males, and hetero-sex couples. Such desperate intending parents, surrogates, and surrogate children are fully protected under the constitution empowering them with full rights like all other children. In specification, the Colombian constitution has a stern record of support for gay rights that includes marriage, adoption, and family building.

Gay parents are eligible to undergo gestational surrogacy where the surrogate mother does not share any genetic relationship with the child and those children born through gestational surrogacy in Colombia have full rights according to the National Constitution. Additionally, all gay Colombian couples are eligible for public health insurance including surrogates and newborn babies. Also, the surrogacy cost in Colombia is much more affordable, as discussed below.

Surrogacy cost in Colombia

Generally, the surrogacy cost varies from clinic to clinic, the status of the intending parent’s embryo creation (created or not), shipped embryo/origin, whether to use an egg donor or self-egg, self-arranged surrogate, or through clinic assistance. Other cost factors include medications, fertility screenings, surrogate preparation, legal documentation, surrogate compensation, complete surrogacy procedures, and doctor’s charges. However, the all-inclusive surrogacy cost in Colombia is offered at $65,000 for all types of families including gay couples, single parents, and heterosexual couples. It covers unlimited egg donations, IVF cycles, and embryo transfers until a successful birth. A special provision package is also available for gay couples at $120,000 where one baby each is produced for both gay partners by using the same donor egg and a separate surrogate mother at the same time, in this way the surrogate babies born are biologically linked with both the partners.

Surrogacy cost breakup in Colombia

The table is the representation of the surrogacy cost breakup in Colombia for self-cyle surrogacy, donor-cycle surrogacy, mixed-cycle surrogacy, and International mixed donor cycle.

Payment Breakup

1IVF Cycle 


1 transfer of own egg.

1 IVF cycle


3 transfers of Donor eggs


1 IVF cycle

+ 1 Transfer with own egg & 1IVF +3Transfer with egg donor

International with Indian Passport

1 IVF+1 transfer with own eggs & 1 IVF+3 transfer with European egg donor phenotype

1st Payment: 

@the signature of the contract





2nd Payment: During Matching





3rd Payment: Before IVF





4th Payment: @week 12





5th Payment@week 24





Total Cost





What are the eligible criteria for the surrogate mother?

To carry the pregnancy for others (intending parents) in Colombia, the surrogate must satisfy the following qualifications:

  • At the healthiest reproductive age group (21-35 years).
  • She is psychologically and physically healthy.
  • She has nurtured at least one biological child.
  • She cannot donate her eggs.
  • A decent level of education to make an informed decision.
  • Agree to legal surrogacy terms and conditions.
  • Cooperative nature towards surrogacy approaches.
  • Agrees with fertility doctor’s decisions accordingly.
  • Once the surrogacy contract has been signed. If she conceived, she cannot retract the child’s delivery.
  • She can terminate the pregnancy only with a medical indication.

Surrogate mother cost in Colombia

The surrogate mother cost in Colombia is 4000 USD onwards when it is arranged by the clinic for the intended parents. It covers all the medical necessities including blood tests, surrogate mother preparation (screening, examination) including overall reproductive health conditions that will receive the intended parent’s embryo in her womb without any health issues. However, the surrogate mother’s cost is usually included in the inclusive surrogacy package. At the fertility cure surrogacy center in Colombia, the surrogate mother’s cost is included at 65,000 USD which is inclusive of the surrogacy package. However, in the special provision for gay couple’s surrogacy, the cost of two surrogate mothers is included. For more detailed information, please contact the centre at free cost.

Surrogacy agencies in Colombia

You will find different surrogacy agencies in Colombia. However, the top surrogacy centre-fertilitycure has been the finest and most prominent surrogacy agency in Colombia for over 25 years. This agency helps and guides the highest number of intending parents- gay couples, single parents, and heterosexual couples of both domestic and international patients and secures their family building through surrogacy in Colombia.

Here, all types of hopeful patients, of all origins are warmly welcomed. Top fertility doctors create a homely environment, listen to patients’ infertility problems, and examine their previous medical records. After analyzing the patient’s medical background other legal means of surrogacy are explained and documented by the top legal surrogacy lawyer of the Colombian court who represents the fertilitycure surrogacy. The team also arranged other second-option surrogacy centres that are favorable to patients. The fertility cure surrogacy agency in Colombia is highly focused on availing lower surrogacy packages with an excellent success rate.

Surrogacy for LGBT in Colombia

LGBT surrogacy in Colombia is safe and secure, it is legally permitted by the Colombian constitution. Since 2009, the assisted reproduction of LGBT surrogacy has been strongly protected under the umbrella of the Colombian constitution and constantly provides the full rights of the children born through surrogacy.

Not only gay couples but all types of families including same-sex couples, as well as single parents are accessible to surrogacy and the rights of these minorities.

Also, the Colombian constitution has a provision for foreigners to acquire equal surrogacy rights under Article 100. This article legitly upheld the international patient’s civil rights to surrogacy in Colombia. Because of Article 100, thousands and thousands of foreigners get equal privileges in building their parenthood in Colombia by complying with a few conditions that have to be met for the surrogacy program.

Upon all the surrogacy proceed and procedures, the medical services are excellent, the cost of surrogacy is low, and the legal framework is well established with equal rights in all social services.

Step-by-step surrogacy procedure in Colombia

In general, the medical procedures of surrogacy are similar compared to different countries except that each state has its unique ways of regulating surrogacy. So, we will understand from here, the step-by-step surrogacy procedure in Colombia.

  1. Consultation: This step is essential as it describes the bold decisions of the intended parent’s reasons, builds a friendly environment between them, and approaches the highest outcome.
  1. Surrogate matching and screening: A perfect surrogate match ensures a positive surrogacy pathway. During this time, the surrogate’s physical and mental health, medical history, and personal preferences are screened.
  1. Legal contract agreement: Surrogacy deals with various groups like lawyers, intending parents, surrogates, and Doctors. All these parties are curbed under one legal contract agreement which has certain surrogacy do’s and limitations. Everybody has to agree and sign the contract under the legal lawyer and abide by it.
  1. Medical surrogacy procedure: The embryo of the intended parents is technically created through IVF the IVF procedure. This embryo is transferred into the surrogate uterus in the hope of getting pregnant.
  1. Pregnancy and Prenatal Care: Upon pregnancy confirmation through bloodwork and ultrasound, the surrogate is scheduled-monitored and maintains open communication that delves emotional support during this period of pregnancy. Intended Parents should visit and provide emotional support to their surrogate.
  1. Childbirth and Parentage order: At the time of childbirth, a lawyer obtains parental rights over the child born and obtains all the necessary documentation for the child’s citizenship and passport so that no interferences in his/her future. Support and communication continue after the birth to ensure a smooth transition for all parties involved.

Cheapest country for gay surrogacy

If you’re a desperate gay couple and looking for the cheapest country that offers the cheapest surrogacy. Some exceptional destinations have legalized gay-assisted parenthood through surrogacy. Let’s explore the cheapest country for Gay surrogacy and more below:

1. Cheapest gay surrogacy in Colombia

Colombia is the leading cheapest country in Gay surrogacy. According to the WHO ranking, Colombia’s healthcare system lies at 22nd rank in the list out of 190 countries which indicates the Colombian healthcare system is better than other countries. Both domestic and international couples can undergo a legal gestational surrogacy program starting at just 65,000 USD, it extensively covers legal documentation, donor assistance, medications, IVF procedures, surrogate preparation, and surrogate compensation. Additionally, it covers visa assistance, travel assistance, stay assistance, and return ticket assistance for all foreign patients.

Gay surrogacy laws in Colombia:

LGBT or gay surrogacy in Colombia is legal under the Colombian court, and assisted reproduction is very much protected by the Colombian constitution. The national constitution provides for the full rights of the children born through surrogacy.

  • Gay surrogacy is protected under the Colombian constitution.
  • International gay couples are protected under Article 100.
  • Intended gay couples have full rights to their parentage order.
  • The surrogate-born child has the right to Colombian citizenship and a passport.

2. Cheapest Gay/LGBTQ surrogacy in Mexico

Mexico is one of the popular destinations for the Cheapest Gay/LGBTQ surrogacy in Mexico. The cost of gay surrogacy ranges from 75,000 to 95,000 USD inclusive of all the processes and procedures involved in the surrogacy.

Gay surrogacy laws in Mexico

Gay surrogacy is legal in Mexico. The law under Article 1  protects individuals on grounds of marital status, gender identity, and sexual orientation. It was also upheld by the 2021 Supreme Court decision on surrogacy. In 2021, the National Supreme Court of Justice recognized the whole process of the surrogacy journey to function based on the legal guarantees provided, which states that a surrogacy program is legal if it is performed according to the laws provided.

3. Kenya, the cheapest country for gay surrogacy

Surrogacy in Kenya is widely open for gay couples, it offers affordable surrogacy programs with excellent medical facilities. Both domestic and international patients can undergo assisted reproduction here. However, the best recommendation for couples is to seek the expert’s ideas before any decision. You can find many surrogacy centres that offer such services but not all of them can generate success rates. The fertilitycure is top leading surrogacy centre in Kenya for over 25 years, serving gay couples to excel in parenthood through surrogacy programs with donor egg assistance at the most reasonable cost.

Gay Surrogacy Laws in Kenya

In Kenya, there are no specific rules and regulations that govern gay surrogacy. It does not mean surrogacy is prohibited, still, the Kenya Family Act lets everyone participate, despite their sexual orientation, legally start a family. That is why it is one of the favorite destinations for people who are interested in Surrogacy, especially Same-Sex Surrogacy in Kenya.

4. Georgia, the cheapest country for gay surrogacy

In Georgia, gay, same-sex, and LGBT-intended couples enjoy the same legal rights as provided to heterosexual couples which means gay surrogacy is allowed in Georgia. Unlike, other gay surrogacy-legal countries, Georgia offers surrogacy at a much affordable cost starting from 40,000 USD to 60,000 USD. This cost may vary depending upon the selection of the donor origin, surrogate compensation, surrogate preparation, agency service charges, and visa assistance to traveling assistance for foreign gay couples.

Egg Donor assistance for Gay Parents

If you’re a gay couple or singles and hoping to experience parenthood from the surrogacy program. Your parenthood is possible only with egg donor assistance because embryo creation requires your sperm and the donor’s eggs. Therefore, under this procedure, a third-party egg donation and your sperm will generate an embryo that contains 50% of your genes, which means you’re genetically connected with the child, Isn’t that an amazing technology?

If you cannot arrange for the donor egg, do not worry. The fertility center is the largest chain of networks worldwide that assist in egg donation. The team will provide, your preferred donor in terms of skin color, eye color, height, ear shape, educational background, etc. of any origins. It also focuses on cost minimization so that your parenthood comes under the most efficient financial management.


Any form of surrogacy in Colombia is the most amazing journey experienced by all desperate and emotionally intending parents as surrogacy adds another chance to embrace the parenthood dream to reality. Gay surrogacy in Colombia has become the top destination for both domestic and foreigners. Why? Because, the Colombian constitution has provided full support to gay surrogacy, gay marriages, and adoption.

The country comes under the cheapest country for gay surrogacy because the surrogacy package starts from just 65,000 USD onwards and covers the entire process and procedures involved and all legal frameworks. The fertilitycure surrogacy centre in Colombia is the top centre in surrogacy and all other fertility treatments and services are available under its single roof. The centre also provides free consultation and helps guide, and navigates the patients in the highest possible care unless their parenthood is fulfilled. Contact the fertility center today.


  1. How much does gay surrogacy cost in Colombia?

The gay surrogacy cost in Colombia starts from 65,000 USD onwards. It inclusively covers medications, fertility screenings, surrogate preparation, legal documentation, surrogate compensation, complete surrogacy procedures, and doctor’s charges. Also, Visa assistance, donor assistance, traveling assistance, etc.

There is also an additional special package provision available for gay couples at 120,000 USD where 2 babies of each partner are delivered by using two surrogate mothers.

  1. What country is best for gay surrogacy?

Today, Colombia is a leading country that offers the best gay surrogacy for both domestic and international patients. The healthcare system available in Colombia is the highest in ranking when compared to Western countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, etc, from the WHO perspective. The country also provides full support to gay marriages, adoption, and assisted reproduction under the Colombian constitution and International gay couples have equal rights to surrogacy under Article 100.

  1. Is surrogacy allowed in Colombia?

A 100% yes, surrogacy is legally allowed in Colombia for all sections of family types including gay couples, single males, single females, heterosexual couples, same-sex couples, and LGBTQ communities. Surrogacy is rightfully offered to both domestic and international patients under the Colombian constitution and grants full rights to the children.

  1. What country is the safest for surrogacy?

The safest and most secure country for surrogacy is Colombia, Dubai, Georgia, Malaysia, Philippines, Kenya, the USA, Greece, and Australia. These countries have secure surrogacy regulations and the best surrogacy centres.

  1. What are the options for gay couples for surrogacy?

If you’re a gay couple looking for parenthood but your country doesn’t allow gay surrogacy. Do not worry, many optional countries allow gay surrogacy under its full law protection. Colombia, Mexico, Kenya, Argentina, etc. Gay couples can easily avail of donor assistance and undergo surrogacy in these countries.

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