Surrogacy Success Rates

Surrogacy has become a widely accepted method for individuals and couples struggling with infertility to achieve their dream of parenthood. Surrogacy success rate can vary based on several factors, including the type of surrogacy, the quality of the eggs used, and the region where the procedure is performed.

This article will delve into the factors affecting surrogacy success rates, compare success rates using self eggs versus donor eggs, discuss how to improve surrogacy success rates, and examine success rates and costs in various regions such as Kenya, Hong Kong, and Australia. We will also highlight how Fertility Cure Centre helps individuals navigate the legal aspects and documentation involved in the surrogacy process.

Factors Affecting Surrogacy Success Rates

Several factors can influence the success rate of surrogacy. Understanding these factors can help intended parents make informed decisions and increase their chances of success.

  1. Age of the Egg Donor or Intended Mother

The age of the egg donor or the intended mother is one of the most critical factors. Younger eggs tend to be healthier and have a higher chance of resulting in a successful pregnancy.

  1. Quality of the Sperm

The quality of the sperm used in the fertilization process also plays a significant role. High-quality sperm increases the likelihood of successful fertilization and embryo development.

  1. Health and Lifestyle of the Surrogate

The surrogate’s overall health, including her lifestyle choices such as diet, exercise, and abstaining from harmful substances, can impact the success rate of the surrogacy process.

  1. Fertility Clinic’s Expertise

The success rate can vary significantly between different fertility clinics. Choosing a reputable clinic like Fertility Cure Centre with experienced professionals and advanced technology can enhance the chances of a successful surrogacy.

  1. Legal and Emotional Support

Navigating the legal and emotional aspects of surrogacy is crucial. Fertility Cure Centre provides comprehensive support to ensure that all legal documentation is in order and that the emotional well-being of all parties involved is addressed.

Surrogacy Success Rate with Self Egg and Donor Egg

The choice between using self eggs or donor eggs can significantly impact the success rate of surrogacy.

  1. Self Egg Surrogacy

When the intended mother’s eggs are used, the success rate is closely linked to her age and egg quality. Women under 35 typically have higher success rates, while those over 40 may experience lower success rates due to diminished egg quality.

  1. Donor Egg Surrogacy

Using donor eggs can increase the success rate, especially for older women or those with compromised egg quality. Donor eggs are usually sourced from young, healthy donors, which can significantly boost the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Age Group

Success Rate With Self Egg

Success Rate With Donor Eggs

 Under 35


Very High




Over 40



Tips To Improve Surrogacy Success Rate

Surrogacy is an intricate and emotionally charged process, but with careful planning and the right strategies, the chances of success can be significantly improved. Here are some key tips to enhance the success rate of surrogacy:

  1. Choose a Reputable Clinic and Agency

The foundation of a successful surrogacy journey starts with selecting the right fertility clinic and surrogacy agency. Look for clinics and agencies with high success rates, experienced staff, and positive reviews from previous clients. A reputable clinic like FertilityWolrd will have advanced medical technology and skilled professionals to provide the best care.

  1. Comprehensive Screening

Thorough medical and psychological screening of both the surrogate and intended parents is crucial. This screening helps identify any potential health issues that could affect the pregnancy. It also ensures that all parties are mentally prepared for the surrogacy process. Surrogates should have a history of healthy pregnancies and no significant medical conditions.

  1. Optimal Health of Surrogate

The health of the surrogate plays a crucial role in the success of surrogacy. Ensure that the surrogate leads a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest. She should avoid smoking, alcohol, and other harmful substances. A healthy body creates the best environment for a successful pregnancy.

  1. Quality of Embryos

Using high-quality embryos can significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. This can be achieved by selecting healthy eggs and sperm, and employing advanced IVF (in vitro fertilization) techniques. Genetic screening of embryos before implantation can also help in selecting the healthiest embryos.

  1. Legal Preparedness

Having clear and legally sound agreements in place is essential. These agreements should outline the rights and responsibilities of both the surrogate and the intended parents. Legal issues can cause significant stress and complications, so it is crucial to work with an experienced attorney specializing in surrogacy law.

  1. Emotional Support

Surrogacy is a journey filled with emotional highs and lows. Providing emotional and psychological support for both the surrogate and the intended parents is vital. Counseling services can help all parties navigate the emotional aspects of surrogacy, fostering a positive and supportive environment.

  1. Follow Medical Advice

Adhering strictly to medical protocols and guidelines provided by fertility specialists is non-negotiable. Regular medical check-ups to monitor the surrogate’s health and the pregnancy’s progress are essential. Any deviations from the recommended medical plan can alter the success of the surrogacy.

  1. Lifestyle Adjustments

Encourage the surrogate to make healthy lifestyle adjustments. This includes maintaining a nutritious diet, staying hydrated, getting regular exercise, and ensuring adequate rest. She should also avoid stress as much as possible, as a calm and relaxed state is beneficial for a healthy pregnancy.

  1. Regular Monitoring

Frequent medical check-ups and monitoring are crucial to ensure that the pregnancy is progressing well. Regular ultrasounds and other necessary tests can detect any potential issues early, allowing for timely interventions. Thus consult your doctor on a regular basis.

  1. Open Communication

Maintaining open and honest communication among all parties involved is key to a smooth surrogacy process. Regular updates, transparency about expectations, and addressing concerns promptly help build trust and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Surrogacy Success Rate in Various Countries

Surrogacy success rates and costs can vary widely based on geographical location. Here, we compare surrogacy in Kenya, Hong Kong, and Australia.

  1. Kenya

Kenya is becoming a popular destination for surrogacy due to its relatively lower costs and favorable legal environment.

  1. Hong Kong

Hong Kong offers high medical standards, but the legal environment is complex, and surrogacy is not widely practiced.

Also Read- Surrogacy In Hong Kong

  1. Australia

Australia has stringent legal regulations, which can impact the ease and cost of the surrogacy process.

Legal Aspects of Surrogacy

Navigating the legal landscape of surrogacy can be challenging. Each country has its own set of regulations and requirements. Fertility Cure Centre provides comprehensive legal support to ensure that all necessary documentation and legal aspects are thoroughly addressed, protecting the rights of all parties involved.

  • Kenya- Kenya has favorable surrogacy laws, making it an attractive option for international intended parents. The legal framework supports surrogacy agreements, ensuring clarity and security for both parties.
  • Hong Kong- Surrogacy in Hong Kong is legally complex and not widely practiced. Intended parents need to be aware of stringent regulations and potential legal challenges.
  • Australia- Australia has well-defined legal guidelines for surrogacy. However, the regulations can vary by state, and altruistic surrogacy is more common than commercial surrogacy.


Understanding the factors that affect surrogacy success rates, the benefits of using self eggs versus donor eggs, and how to improve the chances of success are crucial for intended parents embarking on this journey. Additionally, being aware of the success rates and costs associated with surrogacy in various countries, along with the legal aspects, can help intended parents make informed decisions.

Fertility Cure Centre is committed to providing comprehensive support throughout the surrogacy process, from medical and legal assistance to emotional and psychological support. By choosing Fertility Cure Centre, intended parents can be assured of a higher chance of success and a smoother, more secure surrogacy journey. Whether you are considering surrogacy in Hong Kong, Kenya, or Australia, Fertility Cure Centre is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring a positive and fulfilling experience.


  1. How to have a successful surrogacy?

To ensure a successful surrogacy journey, it’s crucial to start by choosing a reputable surrogacy agency or clinic with a track record of success. Both the intended parents and the surrogate should undergo thorough medical and psychological screenings to ensure compatibility and reduce risks. Establishing clear legal agreements that outline rights, responsibilities, and financial arrangements is essential. Throughout the process, maintaining open communication, empathy, and respect between all parties involved enhances the likelihood of a successful outcome.

  1. How do I prepare my body for surrogacy?

Preparing your body for surrogacy involves several steps to ensure optimal health and readiness for pregnancy. Begin by maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Regular exercise helps in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, which is important for fertility and pregnancy. Avoiding substances harmful to fertility, such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, is crucial. Keep up with regular medical check-ups and screenings to address any underlying health issues. Additionally, following your fertility clinic’s recommendations for medications and supplements can support reproductive health and readiness for the surrogacy process.

  1. What age is good for surrogacy?

The ideal age for surrogacy varies but generally falls between 21 to 40 years for both surrogates and intended parents. Surrogates should be in good health and have a proven reproductive history, typically having given birth to at least one healthy child. Intended parents should also consider factors such as their own health, financial stability, and emotional readiness. Advanced maternal age can affect egg quality and increase pregnancy risks, so younger women may have higher success rates in carrying a pregnancy to term.

  1. Is surrogacy 100 successful?

Surrogacy success rates depend on various factors, including the health of the surrogate and intended parents, the quality of embryos, and the expertise of the fertility clinic. While modern advancements in assisted reproductive technology have significantly increased success rates, surrogacy is not guaranteed to be 100% successful. Factors such as embryo implantation, pregnancy complications, and legal issues can affect outcomes. However, with careful planning, medical guidance, and legal support, many couples achieve successful pregnancies through surrogacy.

  1. Whose egg is used in surrogacy?

In surrogacy, the egg used comes from either the intended mother or an egg donor. The egg is fertilized with sperm from the intended father or a sperm donor through in vitro fertilization (IVF). The resulting embryo is then transferred to the surrogate’s uterus, where she carries the pregnancy to term. This arrangement allows the intended parents to have a genetic connection to the child while benefiting from the surrogate’s gestational support.

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