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Everything you need to know about the process of surrogacy in ChinaEverything you need to know about the process of surrogacy in China

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October 16, 2024

Every day, we see so many people choosing surrogacy as a way to have children. It has proven to be a blessing for many parents. This is especially true as many countries have accepted surrogacy as a method of childbirth. Some governments, however, have yet to accept it as a valid strategy. For instance, surrogacy in China is subjected to regulations and taboos. The legal landscape of the country presents numerous obstacles. Therefore, it is declared illegal in the country. So, what are the possibilities available to potential parents? And what are the laws, procedures, and eligibility requirements for persons seeking surrogacy in China?

Surrogacy Laws for LGBTQ People and Single Parents in China

Chinese society is known to be a conservative one. This means there are certain taboos and stereotypes associated with lgbtq and single parents. This is why, in China, surrogacy has become such a difficult option for people of these communities. The surrogacy scenario for lgbtq people and single parents can be summed up as follows.

  • Legal Prohibitions

China's surrogacy ban applies universally. This also means that lgbtq people and single individuals cannot opt for surrogacy. Hence, be it heterosexual couples or lgbtq couples, surrogacy is illegal.

  • Punishments and Ramifications

Engaging in surrogacy within China, even for LGBTQ+ individuals and single people, can lead to severe consequences. Penalties might include heavy fines, the nullification of contracts, and potential criminal charges against them. Additionally, the lack of legal recognition might complicate parental rights and custody matters.

  • Societal Challenges

LGBTQ+ and single individuals seeking parenthood face immense societal stigmatization and discrimination. This is due to the lack of legal support and recognition. The absence of legal frameworks accommodating their rights further increases the difficulties they encounter.

The combination of legal restrictions, societal stigmatization, and the absence of legal recognition creates a challenging landscape for LGBTQ+ individuals as well as single people in China who aspire to build families through surrogacy. These factors often compel them to explore international surrogacy routes.

Different Types of Surrogacy Processes in China

Now, let us know more about the different types of surrogacy processes. The four primary types of surrogacy processes that exist are-.

  • Traditional Surrogacy

In this type of surrogacy, the surrogate uses her own egg. Thus, the surrogate is also the biological mother of the child. For fertilization, sperm is used from either the intended father or a donor. This method is less common due to the legal and emotional complexities it presents. It is suitable for individuals or couples who may prefer a genetic connection to the child. However, this can lead to intricate legal issues regarding parental rights.

  • Gestational Surrogacy

This approach entails implanting an embryo created by in vitro fertilization. The embryo is implanted into the surrogate's uterus. The embryo is usually created using the genetic material of the parents. This provides a genetic link between the intended parents and the kid while excluding the surrogate. It is appropriate for infertile couples. Even LGBTQ+ couples desiring children can go for this method.

  • Altruistic Surrogacy

Here, a surrogate carries a child without financial compensation.This surrogacy type is driven by a selfless desire to assist others in becoming parents.It is preferred by intended parents seeking a more emotionally connected journey.

  • Commercial Surrogacy

Involving compensation beyond medical expenses, this form of surrogacy is more prevalent in certain countries where it is legally permitted. It suits individuals or couples favoring a more transactional approach. 

Is surrogacy legal in China?

Surrogacy in China is subject to substantial legal constraints and complications. Surrogacy is illegal in the country, regardless of sexual orientation or marital status. This prohibition derives from worries about the potential exploitation of women, ethical quandaries, and societal conceptions of childbirth commodification. The government's attitude is intended to protect both surrogate moms and children.

Surrogacy is fraught with dangers and consequences in China. China believes that surrogacy exploits a woman’s womb by making it a tool. Legal consequences can include significant fines, contract cancellation, and even criminal accusations. Furthermore, due to a lack of regulatory frameworks, persons interested in surrogacy in China may face uncertainty surrounding parental rights and custody. This is why surrogacy in China is such a murky area.

Additionally, societal taboos surrounding surrogacy persist. This leads to stigmatization and potential discrimination against those involved. The ethical debates surrounding the practice further contribute to the prevailing negative attitudes. The stigma may also continue to reach and affect the child if conceived, and this can be mentally debilitating for both the parents and the child.

Those seeking surrogacy often face limited options within the country. This has pushed some individuals to explore international surrogacy routes. However, they may come with their own set of challenges. The challenges can either be legal, financial, logistical, or all. 

Who is Eligible For Surrogacy in China?

Certain factors decide the eligibility criteria for seeking surrogacy. Some of them are- 

  • Medical Criteria

Medical conditions often shape who can consider surrogacy. For instance, issues like uterine abnormalities or recurrent miscarriages might make someone eligible. Again, if someone is infertile and cannot conceive, no matter the treatment, then surrogacy becomes a viable option. Therefore, difficulties with fertility become a significant factor in deciding if someone can pursue surrogacy.

  • Age Requirements

Age restrictions might vary. But commonly, intended parents are required to be within a certain age range. This is mostly because of reasons like optimal conditions for egg retrieval, which may not be possible after a certain age.

  • Financial Stability

Financial stability is a must for choosing surrogacy. This is because surrogacy is a costly process. It entails different things, which means parents have to bear certain costs. One also has to keep in mind that surrogacy doesn’t mean the expenses once the child has been born. Hence, financial stability should also include whether the parents can provide enough resources for the child to live a healthy life. So, clinics often check if the parents are financially stable before giving the nod to surrogacy.

  • Legal Considerations

Legal eligibility for surrogacy might involve many things. For example, it may have background checks and screenings. It can also include compliance with local laws regarding surrogacy, parental rights, and agreements. Some couples or individuals with a history of legal issues might also face challenges.

All of these factors, alone or in combination, decide whether you are eligible for surrogacy or not. However, one should keep in mind that these are not isolated or strictly based parameters.

Surrogacy Cost in China

Surrogacy costs in China are not constant. They vary based on different criteria. However, it can range somewhat between USD 120,000 and USD 200,000. However, these estimates can vary based on different factors.

The chosen clinic, medical procedures required, legal expenses, compensation for the surrogate, and other associated costs all matter.

  • Clinic Selection

The choice of fertility clinic significantly impacts the overall cost. Each clinic has a different cost or package for surrogacy. Renowned clinics with good facilities often charge higher fees for their services.

  • Medical Procedures

The type of surrogacy (traditional or gestational), IVF procedures, and any additional medical treatments necessary impact the overall cost. These procedures involve various stages of IVF, embryo transfer, and screening.

  • Legal Expenses

Engaging legal services for drafting contracts, ensuring legal compliance, and addressing parental rights and custody issues contribute to the expenses.

  • Surrogate Compensation

Compensation for the surrogate covers her medical expenses and prenatal care. It also includes a fee for carrying the child. The amount varies depending on the agreement and prevailing norms.

  • Clinic Fees

Surrogacy clinics may charge fees for matching intended parents with surrogates. This includes managing the process and providing support services.

  • Travel and Accommodation

Intended parents might need to bear travel expenses. This can also include accommodation and other logistical costs associated with the whole process. This is especially true if they live in a different region or country.

  • Insurance and Contingencies

Insurance for the surrogate's medical care, unforeseen medical complications, and unexpected expenses are factors to consider when budgeting for surrogacy.

  • Additional Costs

Miscellaneous expenses like psychological evaluations, background checks, and any unexpected medical procedures or interventions can add to the total cost.

Why Choose Fertility Cure?

At Fertility Cure, we are here to support you on your parenthood journey. Our team comprises experienced professionals dedicated to giving you personalized care. With our guidance, your journey becomes smoother and more comfortable. Our clinic boasts cutting-edge technology, ensuring access to the latest fertility treatments, from diagnostics to innovative options, all in one place.

We understand everyone is unique, so we create customized treatment plans fitting your specific needs, increasing success chances while considering your preferences. Beyond medical care, we offer emotional support, counseling, and guidance, prioritizing your well-being throughout.

Moreover, with us, we provide treatment at affordable costs suitable for all. We have no hidden fees, and couples can expect to have a baby within their budgetary limits.

Our success stories reflect our dedication to excellence. By choosing us, you are selecting a caring, supportive, and technologically advanced environment where starting your family is our top priority.